Veterans Answered the Call to Protect YOUR Home…

…Will You Answer the Call to Lead Them to Homeownership?

The thought of a homeless veteran is painful. If any among us deserves a safe place to sleep it is our veterans. Numerous agencies and associations Federal, state and local are working to eliminate this problem.

Homeownership is the quintessential American Dream. Since the end of World War II the Veterans Administration has offered programs designed to enhance the opportunities for our Veterans to live that dream. Most notable among those programs is the VA Home Loan.

You might imagine Veterans interested in homeownership would all take advantage of the earned benefit of the VA Home Loan Program. The facts would tell us something very different. A recent survey of Veteran HOMEOWNERS was shocking in that it revealed:

– 33.6% indicated they DID NOT KNOW about the program!
– 25.8% said their lender NEVER discussed the VA loan option with them!
– 31.8% said a convention or FHA loan was easier or less expensive to obtain!
– 8.1% said their REALTOR discouraged the use of the VA loan program!

There is a widespread belief among Realtors and lenders that it is difficult to close a VA deal. That it takes longer. That sellers prefer other finance methods. That there are appraisal challenges. The list goes on and on.

Meanwhile there are agents and lenders closing hundreds of millions of dollars in business using VA loan products for local veterans. And they are NOT meeting the demand. There is business being left on the table.

Enter the Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals aka VAREP!

Founded in 2011 as a non-profit, the goal of VAREP is “To preserve the American Dream of homeownership for US service members and veterans of all eras”. This mission is accomplished by local chapters via:

1. Industry Training Events-Educate and empower agents and lenders to better serve Veterans.
2. Veterans Housing Summits- Educate and encourage Veterans to use their VA benefits.
3. Fundraisers for VAREP Cares- Helping local Veterans experiencing a hardship

Founding our local VAREP Chapter is being led by Mario Gonzalez of Navy to Navy Realty. Mario began his career as a young enlisted man in the Submarine Service and retired Naval Aviator earning the rank of Commander. Mario’s history of service has continued into his real estate career as a leader in his company, community and at NEFAR.

Your help is needed now to grow and support our local Chapter. As a start-up our initial need is membership. Everyone is welcome who has a passion for real estate and a love for Veterans. You need NOT be a Veteran to serve Veterans!

Please join right NOW by visiting it’s only $99! You can afford it and our Veterans need you.

For additional information on how you can serve those who have served you visit or call Mario Gonzalez at 904-900-4766, Taylor Stafford at 904-260-0105, Wade Swindell at 904-404-6644 or call me Wally Conway 904-590-1306.

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