Our Residential Services

Whether you’re buying, selling, or currently living in a home in the Jacksonville area, you need to know that it’s up to code and safe for both you and your family. Given all of the health and safety hazards that could arise from lack of maintenance, shoddy construction, environmental damage, and the like, you need a company with the professionalism and experience to get the job done right the first time. Here at Residential Inspector of America, we offer just that. Here’s a look at how we can help to ensure your home is safe to buy, sell, or currently stay in.

Jacksonville Home Inspections

Flexible Home Inspection Packages

We offer a bevy of flexible, professional home inspection packages designed for those buying, selling, or currently living in a Jacksonville area home. Each package is uniquely tailored to your specific needs and is backed by RIA Inspection’s experience and ironclad commitments to quality and customer service.

Permit History Reports

In addition, we offer extensive permit history reports that provide a comprehensive look at the construction and repair history of the property to arm you with knowledge about selling, buying, or living there.

New Construction Inspections

Residential Inspector of America also offers new construction inspections designed to carefully check each phase of construction to ensure the property is safe, well built, and up to code.

Environmental Services

Additionally, we offer extensive environmental services that take a comprehensive look at the property. Testing for air quality, mold, lead, asbestos, and even more, our professional environmental service reports are an excellent way to ensure that you and your family are safe in your home.

Contact Us Today 

Contact us today at (904) 590-1306 to see how we can ensure that the residential property you’re buying, selling, or currently living in is up to code. With our deep experience, unmatched professionalism, and unrivaled knowledge of the Jacksonville area real estate market, we’re proud to be Northeast Florida’s premier home and property inspection company.

American Society of Home Inspectors
International Code Council
American Home Inspection Training
Moisture Free Warranty