Category: Home Inspector

New Construction Inspector

3 Common Mistakes Found During Pre-Drywall Inspections

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Pre-drywall inspections by Residential Inspector of America are an important part of the building process. A pre-drywall inspection is a visual review of the framing, plumbing, mechanical, and electrical systems to make sure that everything is up to code before drywall is installed. Still, mistakes happen, and these are the three most common mistakes we […]

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Radon Testing

3 Things to Know About Radon Mitigation Tests

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If you’re a homeowner, then you know that it’s important to test for radon. Radon is a dangerous gas that can cause cancer, so it’s crucial to take steps to mitigate it if you find out that your home has high levels of this gas. So, Residential Inspector of America discusses three things you need […]

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Stucco Inspector

Common Types of Stucco Damage Found in Older Homes

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Older homes often have exterior stucco damage that needs to be repaired. Fortunately, the professionals from Residential Inspector of America can identify these issues. In some cases, the damage is obvious, but in other cases, it’s hidden from view. Repairing the stucco damage as soon as possible is important in order to maintain the appearance […]

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Home Warranty

Why Get an 18-Month Home Warranty?

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When you are looking for a home warranty, one of the most important things to consider is the length of the contract. Most people automatically assume that the longer the warranty, the better it is. However, this may not be true in all cases. In fact, an 18-month home warranty might be a better option […]

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New Home Construction

3 Common Issues Found in a New Construction Inspection

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A new construction inspection is an important step in the home building process. It can help identify any potential problems with the construction of your home before they become more significant issues. At Residential Inspector of America, our new construction inspections reveal many problems, including those listed here.

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Termite Inspection

Are Termites Making Your Home Unsellable?

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If you’re like most people, the thought of termites infesting your home is terrifying. Not only are they a nuisance, but they can also cause serious damage to your property. In some cases, termites can even make your home unsellable. New buyers simply don’t want to deal with a termite infestation. So, before you put […]

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Common Foundation Issues in Older Homes

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In real estate, a home 50 years old is often considered an older home. That’s because building codes and standards have changed dramatically over the last five decades. These changes include the type of foundation poured or used for most houses in the area. As a result, foundational issues are among the most common problems […]

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Radon Testing

3 Myths about Radon

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Radon is a radioactive gas that occurs in water, rocks, and soil. Yet, not every homeowner knows the dangers associated with the odorless, colorless, tasteless gas. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of misinformation out there about this sometimes deadly gas. That’s why Residential Inspector of America is clearing up some of these myths about radon as […]

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energy efficiency

Top 5 Ways to Save On Your Energy Bill

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As a homeowner, you’re always looking for ways to save money. Utilities are one of the greatest expenses you’ll have each month, so cutting costs and energy usage can make a big difference. With a thermal imaging inspection from Residential Inspector of America, you can see just where your home is losing cold air and […]

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Carbon monoxide detectors

4 FAQs about Carbon Monoxide Detectors

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Protecting your family from potential dangers within your home is a top priority. With a professional home inspection from Residential Inspector of America, you can prepare for these possible dangers. However, some can creep into your home well after we’re gone. Carbon monoxide is one such danger, and if you don’t have working detectors, your […]

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American Society of Home Inspectors
International Code Council
American Home Inspection Training
Moisture Free Warranty

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